Monday, February 1, 2016

The Reasons I Love Bernie Sanders

He Seems Genuine. Bernie appears to have the kind of honesty that people long for in a politician. He reminds me of the crazy uncle that everyone loves and although you disagree with him you can’t help but love him.

He’s Scary. Uncle Bernie’s policies paint terrifying pictures of a future without economic freedom. It is beyond imagination that a professed Socialist could get such attention in a presidential candidacy. Socialism. Government Control and redistribution of personal assets. If you enjoy watching a trainwreck then Bernie is your guy.

He has totally disrupted Hillary. The same Hillary that has enough teflon to escape more times than Houdini. The same Hillary everyone assumed had an easy guarantee to the Democratic nomination. He has completely disrupted those expectations.

He’s Economically Naïve. I’m giving Uncle Bernie the benefit of the doubt in assuming he is naïve because I think he is honest. The alternative is that he is dishonest and wants to control the redistribution of our wealth. Why work harder if only the government takes it away to give to others? America has generated more wealth than any other nation because of its free-market flourishing. B.S. reminds me of my love of freedom.

He Reveals A Dangerous Side to America. The internal human desire to have what everyone has is appealing to us all. It’s called covetousness. It’s part of what drives a longing for socialism. The implementation and short perpetuity of socialism reminds me of a scene from an apocalyptic movie where a few humans are fighting one another for the last piece of bread. Free markets equal human flourishing. Government control equals tyranny and removal of personal incentive. We must pray and work for continued freedom. I can hear William Wallace echoing from the side of the valley, “FREEDOM!”

He reminds me of the power of the gospel. No matter who is president, Jesus is King. No matter the “-ism”, the gospel will never lose its power. I have preferences for how I want to live in this world but ultimately I belong to another kingdom and I am here for the sharing of the good news of Jesus. The “-isms” come and go but my eternal destiny is secure.

I Live Under Biblical Authority. Jesus tells me to “love your neighbor”. This love means the exaltation of my neighbor not the devaluation of his account to level mine. It is more blessed to give than receive and this can only happen when I have something to give. To “give” means I freely give it and implies that I must have the freedom to earn it. We must “support the weak” with the work of our own hands without coveting “anyone else’s gold, silver, or apparel” (Acts 20:33-35). Although I strongly disagree with the policies of Mr. Sanders I will always be willing to work to help him and love him the same way God loves me as best I can.

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