Sunday, June 30, 2013

Had I Been At Calvary:

Had I been there, I would have plotted against Him to preserve my position.
I would have betrayed Him for the gain of silver coins.
... preferred murderous Barabbas to sinless Jesus.
... called for His crucifixion instead of His acquittal.
... declared my political innocence before the unruly mob.

Had I been there, I would have begged for the guilt of His blood to be upon my family in my irrational anger.
I would have scourged Him and delivered Him into lawless hand for execution.
... stripped Him of His garments and His dignity.
... twisted the thorny vines to compose His crown. 
... pierced His brow with the razor-sharp thorns.

Had I been there, I would have bowed my knee in mockery to His sovereign rule.
I would have spit in His pathetically swollen face.
... struck His head from behind and beside.
... led Him to Golgotha’s dark hillside.
... offered Him only sour wine in His darkest and driest hour.

Had I been there, I would have divided His garments and taken bets for the main event.
I would have posted a sign to accuse Him before all who passed by.
... raised His body on a mast in the company of 2 thieves.
... blasphemed Him and shaken my head in disgust.
... screamed with the crowd, “He trusted God, let God save Him!”

Had I been there, I would have laughed when He cried out to God.
And when He breathed His last breath, I would have said, “serves Him right” and I would have walked away.

Had I been there, Jesus would have looked at me and loved me just the same.
I know this because I was there, spiritually present as my sin was placed upon His perfect body.
He bore the cross for me and prayed for my forgiveness as He provided perfect atonement for all who believe.