Tuesday, January 1, 2019

On Being

Things are what they seem.
Things are not what they seem. 
To seem is to deceive. 
Perception is reality but only for fools. 
We utter what we do not understand.
Real is real no matter what is perceived. 
Things too wonderful to explain.
Objectivity is our need but we are plagued to perceive.
To seem is to deceive,
We cannot escape ourselves.
Not individually, not collectively.
Every sense, every experience, every thought, 
Filtered by and through self-deception.
Momentary breakthroughs but not from within. 
Something outside, transcendence invades our space.
Guiding light albeit seems so dim.
Brightness immeasurable to reach so far
and cut through such black night.
To perceive is not to illuminate.
To receive that light shining is to seem what we ought.
How shall we know this light?
Or detect it’s absence?
Not to perceive, not to seem, which is deception.
Not in the seeing or the hearing.
Not in the feeling with flesh or heart.
Not in the tasting of all our experience.
Not even a rock-hewn believing.
In the being.
Being who we are.
Being who we will be.
Being in the hands of the One who is to be.