Thursday, October 6, 2016

Gateway East Africa - Report from Taveta, Kenya

Gateway East Africa
Report from Taita-Taveta, Kenya
October 4, 2016

We had a wonderfully productive trip from September 19-30 as we returned to this same area where we worked last September. Thank you all for your prayers and continued faithful support. This trip consisted of 10 hardworking brothers and sisters who made great sacrifices for the sake of the gospel. They were Kurtis and Lynsey Browning, Michele Taylor, Beverly Lester, Richmond Goolsby, Claude Bailey, Aaron Scarborough, Pete Quaid, and James and Mary Lynn Donohoe. We saw many people come to Christ and had a total of 393 great prospects for these new churches. This is a hard area for many reasons. First, it is a brutal trip getting to this remote area. The members of our team deserve highest praise for enduring the usual long flight along with a 10-hour van ride, much of which was upon barely passable roads. Second, this is mostly a pioneer area for evangelical work. Third, this area is widespread geographically and not densely populated throughout remote villages. Fourth, because of these reasons (and others) the development of pastoral leadership is in its beginning stages. We are continuing our efforts to raise them up. In all things, God provides us with strength and wisdom beyond our ability. We thank our Lord for His faithfulness to send us and His mighty willingness to save souls. It is now becoming clear to students of missions that the “easy” people groups have been reached. And so to the difficult areas we must go.

Churches started in 2016:

Njukini BC – Pastor Benedict is highly educated having previously been a Roman Catholic priest. He realized the doctrinal errors of Catholicism and has become a Baptist. He and his wife Damaris are wonderful people and will serve this church well. They have land and a temporary structure but no permanent building.

Kasokoni BC – Pastor Alfred is helping with this new work on top of his other duties.

Sesi BC – A young man named Phillip will be pastoring this church. He works as a Barber in the village and is beginning his theological training. This village has grown up very quickly and is totally new as a result of the equipment depot and construction headquarters for the major road construction to Mombasa. No building, no land.

Lessesia BC – Pastor Benard is helping this new church get established. There is great potential for this group of new believers. They really have a heart to do the work.

Churches started in 2015:

Riata Ndogo Baptist Church – An older man that was led to Christ last year has been serving as “Chairman” and we installed him as the pastor. He has the right spirit to serve but is deficient in training. He has been attending local training sessions with the other pastors and was present for my teaching this past January. He will also continue in our Bible college this year and will be there in January 2017 as I return with Kevin Warstler and Bobby Worthington.

Taveta Town BC – Pastor Benard is doing a good job with about 30-40 in regular attendance. They are meeting in a rented building but it is not a good location. He continues in our training.

Lake Chala BC – Pastor Julius is working faithfully and continues in our theological training. His English is poor but he has a great heart for the people and is of course fluent in Swahili.

Lake Jipe BC – they have a plot of land and a temporary structure. Pastor Stephen is spending two Sundays per month at this church while working to train a new pastor. He rides on a motorbike taxi 40 miles one way to accomplish this task while he also pastors his home church.

Kitogoto BC – One of the Kenyan pastors is serving this new, small church but I don’t remember his name.

Rekeke BC – Pastor Alfred is the Associational leader and is serving this church. He is training another man to lead the church. They are having worship services every Lord’s Day.

My follow-up trip in January 2017 is of highest importance as I will be providing theological and leadership training to these wonderful brothers and sisters who are so hungry to learn God’s word. I have also been planning a renewed emphasis on doctrinal training for the entire Baptist Convention of Kenya group of pastors. There are currently 4,000 churches and almost none of these pastors have much theological education. At the request of BCOK leadership I am planning multiple trips which will involve bringing leaders together from every region in the nation. They want me to teach them with the hope that we will all “grow mighty in the Scriptures.” I will be bringing others pastors and professors to help with this colossal task. The BCOK leadership believe this could really “spark a revival throughout the churches for evangelism and discipleship.”

Thank you for your friendship and partnership in this most important work. May you be blessed and may our exalted King be most glorified!

Onward and Upward,


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