Thursday, March 8, 2012

What God Can See

What we can see is so limited.  We can see what is before us but we glance over the intimacy of it all.  The creation which surrounds us is filled with wonder as the birds sing praises to the glory of God and the sun burns brightly with a magnificence that barely reflects the splendor of the heavenly King.  People stand before us and we carry on with conversation but we rarely look deep enough to see what is within.  The pain of the many burdens we bear weighs down the inner man.  We feel it in ourselves but do we have eyes to see it in others?  The glory of God is all around us.  The light of His presence encompasses our daily lives but we must be still to see it.  The word of God is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.  There is so much more we can see in the depth of His word if we will just stop and meditate upon it.  O that He might show us the “exceeding riches of His grace” (Eph. 2:7) and that we would know and preach the “unsearchable riches of Christ”!  The psalmist cries out, “O LORD, how great are your works!  Your thoughts are very deep.”  If we will ever know His thoughts we must go deep, and this means we must be still and take the time to dig.  If we will be firmly grounded in the love of Christ we will be able to know His “width and length and depth and height” (Eph. 3:18).  “Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!” (Rom. 11:33)  There is so much more to life that God sees.  There is so much more wisdom available for us.  So much more knowledge within our grasp.  So much more of the riches of His grace in which we can walk.  If we would only be still and know that He is God, then we will see more of what God sees.  Jesus describes the lilies of the field as being more arrayed with splendor than even Solomon in all of his glory (Matt. 6:29).  Solomon knew riches untold and wealth beyond measure.  We look at a flower in a field and it seems so simple, so plain.  But when Jesus looks at a flower He sees such a grand complexity that it’s splendor outshines all of the wealth in the world.  God can see so much more than we, but we can see more if we will look unto Thee.

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