“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to
the Lord and not to men” – Col. 3:23
1. Work hard
– When others want to know what is proper work ethic they should find it in the
Christian. We display the image of God when we work, do, create.
patient – It…takes…a…long…time. You will be
frustrated and usually after the honeymoon is over (6-12 months) you will begin
dreaming of other things. Stay with it.
Suffering - It takes a long time to build cultural
institutions that make change. This is a lifetime endeavor not something achieved
in two or three years.
what people really need - Exchange begins with a need. That need must be
served with the highest quality. You may not be able to
reinvent the wheel but you can sure make better ones. We must go beyond the
status quo. Identify a specific need and go after it.
others – In a free-market there will always be
innovation that outperforms the status quo. Outperform yourself before someone
else does. After all, we are tapped into the infinite power source who has all
knowledge and power.
people to the transcendent – look for goodness,
truth, beauty, and justice and help others to see it. Their hearts are longing
for it but they are distracted by lesser things, deceptive things which offer
perverted pleasure. Our cultivation of this connection helps reunite people to
that which is ultimately beneficial for us all. Point them to Jesus who is
Himself good, true, beautiful, and just.
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