1. I Can/Should
Change Things Quickly. There was once a new pastor
named Pastor Smith. He entered the sanctuary on a Sunday morning and noticed a
towering new floral arrangement on the communion table. He refused to allow
such gaudiness and quickly placed the flowers in another room. While he was
preaching that morning a host of ladies became extremely upset about the
missing flowers. They had been given as a gift in honor of one woman’s husband
who recently had passed away after many years of faithful service to the
church. A series of frustrated conversations followed and the new pastor soon
found himself in great trouble with an entire group in the congregation. Not
long after the extended and entangled turmoil, he began sensing “God’s call” to
move on to another church. The pastor was replaced. And so were the flowers. A
new pastor named Pastor Jones came and determined to get to know the people. He
loved them dearly and preached the Bible faithfully. He served the church many
years. Several years into his ministry his immediate predecessor just happened
to be in the neighborhood and stopped by to visit his old place of service.
Pastor Smith and Pastor Jones had a nice time of fellowship and then they walked
into the sanctuary. Pastor Smith noticed there was no massive floral
arrangement on the communion table. He asked Jones, “How did you ever get rid
of those gaudy flowers on the communion table? I moved those things and caused
enough turmoil to get me run out of town. How did you get away with it?” Pastor
Jones responded, “Brother, I just moved them one inch at a time. One inch at a
2. I Can Get By
With Little Prayer and Preparation. It is such a subtle deception. To think that I
can do the Lord’s work in my own strength. After all, I have a theological
education, I have plenty of preparation. Or, I have so much to do today that I
just don’t have (make) time to pray.
We continue to roll along thinking that we still have the same spiritual power
we once knew but others are watching and listening while wondering, “What’s
happened to him? He’s not the same.” And what can be worse is that we surround
ourselves with other spiritually numb people who don’t even care that the
unction is gone. E.M. Bounds nailed it, “The sermon cannot rise in its
life-giving forces above the man. Dead men give out dead sermons, and dead
sermons kill. Everything depends on the spiritual character of the preacher.”
The heart-cry of the disciples is, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1). It
is while praying in the upper room that the Holy Spirit descends with great
power. The unction for that soul-saving preaching at Pentecost came to a
praying group of preachers. We can’t do this! Only God can do the work to which
He has called us. And He only works through those who depend upon Him in
prayer. I once heard an old preacher describe his sermon preparation process.
He said, “I study myself full. I pray myself hot. I let myself go.” We cannot
get by with anything less.
These are tough lessons to learn, but important ones. If there is one thing I have learned in ministry over the years it is dependance on the Lord through prayer. If we ever feel like we don't need Him then something is terribly wrong.