Dry-erase markers fear him and sometimes wish to sniff him.
He is a runner not a fighter, but is also a fighter, so don’t get any ideas.
Movie producers consult him for films about mafia hitmen. In the old days that
chalk dust in your hair was from the eraser he had thrown at you. That is his
real hair. He cures boredom by walking into a room. He exegetes more Greek in
his sleep than a covey of commentators. He preached the kingdom of God before
it was cool. Watching him exegete a text ignites the rational and the
emotional. His passion is contagious. His love is always evident. He has given
away more money to his students than anyone can measure. He has cried more
tears and spoken more encouraging words while diagramming the Greek New
Testament than anyone could imagine. He has remained faithful to the Criswell
College for 40 years. He knows every student by name. He buys his entire class
a cold drink to help with the taking of a test. He has remained faithful to his
sweet wife, Jeanie. His love for his children and grandchildren knows no
measure. He is constantly consumed with knowing Jesus and making Him known. He
is the highest quality of scholar and a compassionately devoted soul-winner.
His influence has spanned 5 decades at one institution and has impacted pastors
and church leaders across the nation as well as missionaries serving around the
world. It is impossible to think of Criswell College and not think of Roy
Metts. He is a legend. He is our friend. He is our mentor. He loves Jesus and
loves us. Thank you Dr. Metts for 40 wonderful years! May God strengthen you to
press on and continue your great service in and for the Kingdom!
Richmond Goolsby
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