Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Reasons I Love Donald Trump

He shows us that people are angry with the problems in America. Unfortunately, many seek satisfaction in political rhetoric rather than substantial solutions.

He is entertaining. Never can I remember the political landscape being this hilarious. Unfortunately, its not a joke.

He is revealing. The religious endorsements rolling out indicate loyalties to the political process more than the power of the gospel.

He reminds me that God is in control of our nation. Israel wanted a king, they got Saul. Daniel 2:21 reminds us that God, “removes kings and raises up kings”. I’m praying God is merciful and doesn’t give us what we deserve.

He shows how short people’s memories really are. In just a matter of months Trump went from pro-abortion to pro-life. He went from supporting liberals to leading conservative polls.

He’s exciting. Trump always keeps it interesting. He works media like a yo-yo and dominates the headlines. No matter whether one likes “The Donald” or not, we all must admit he is the buzz everyone is talking about.

He’s great. Just watch, he will tell you. If you don’t believe him then just ask him. He will tell you again.

He unveils the depravity of human hearts. Trump can disrespect war heroes, women, immigrants, dignitaries, religions, and evidently anyone else he wants. The more he insults people the more he rises in polls. This reminds me that we are all easily distracted and desperately need a Savior.

He exposes deep-seated fears. Many brothers and sisters in Christ are eager to support Trump because they fear that is the only way to beat Hillary. What ever happened to doing what is virtuous? Prayer? Trusting in the sovereignty of our omnipotent God? Remember the words of our Lord, “Do not be afraid.”

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Cultivating a Culture of Evangelism - Part 10


1.     Think Apologetics – People are not brought into the kingdom by disagreeably arguing. However, we should not let this be an excuse for intellectual laziness. God has given us minds and we should use them to the best of our abilities for the glory of God. Our current postmodernistic culture seems content with the emphasis of emotion over thought. Many people think badly or don’t want to think at all. While they suppress the truth in their own righteousness we must be the gentle and willing witness always reminding them that God commands His craftsmanship to worship Him with all of their minds. We must help those who don’t want to think to think well. Moreover, we must be prepared to give an answer for the hope we have in Jesus. An effective evangelist will be bold to proclaim the simple truths of salvation in Christ alone. Let us be ready to share the historical reliability of the resurrection of Jesus. May we be ready at a moment’s notice to explain the absolute truthfulness of the scripture. Christians should be prepared to articulate why Jesus is the only way to God. Let us be the light of God’s truth shining into the darkness. Let us love God with all of our minds.

2.     Cultivate Evangelistic Community Groups – One of the challenges I have faced is the difficulty of reaching into neighborhoods where people don’t particularly appreciate cold-call door-knocking. I still think it is important to try and meet our neighbors by knocking on doors. We know that God will bless the efforts of willingness to go but what about those apartment complexes and gated communities? The best way to reach into hard to reach neighborhoods is to reach them from the inside. Start a bible study/fellowship group inside the neighborhood with someone who lives there. They can invite their neighbors to dinner and bible study. Be intentional about keeping the gospel and bible teaching at the forefront of what you do and be honest in your invitations. This is no time for the ole’ bait and switch routine. Set a regular time to meet for a certain time period, invite the neighbors, eat good food, get to know one another, have fun, tell everybody about Jesus.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

I've Never Been Treated the Way I Was By Ted Cruz

     I’ve never been treated by an elected official the way I was by Ted Cruz. I have served many years as a pastor in Texas. I am also the Director of a Christian missions organization that works in East Africa called Gateway East Africa (GEA). We do things like provide care for orphans through local families, help start churches, and train Christian leaders who serve their communities. The results of our work are more schools, churches, homes for orphans, and economic flourishing in the midst of a developing part of the world. GEA works in Kenya, Burundi, Uganda, Rwanda, and Tanzania and we are reaching into surrounding countries as well.  We had filed for our 501(c)3 status as a non-profit organization at a time when the IRS was allegedly intentionally focused on denying conservative groups these rights. I personally waited for close to three years for a response from the IRS regarding our request. My assistant and I both spent countless hours on the phone with automated responses which only led us to a human voice who would only say our documents were in process. When I asked further questions I was adamantly told there would be no other information given. Considering my taxes paid the salary of the voice on the other end, my disappointment was similar to the New England Patriot’s ball boy this past Monday morning. We had turned in all the paperwork professionally through a CPA, complied with every rule and could not get any helpful information at all. Then stepped Ted Cruz. 
     Senator Cruz began speaking out about the widespread targeting of the IRS upon conservative groups. A mutual friend passed along my information to Senator Cruz’s assistant who called me immediately. He asked me to send him the pertinent information and he did not make any promises regarding results but he promised to do what he could to help us. I then received a call from another man who worked with Senator Cruz who also thanked for my work in our community as a pastor and updated me on the progress of our IRS issue. Within a few weeks I had heard from both of these helpful men multiple times. About one week later I received a call from a very nice lady who worked for the IRS. She was extremely helpful and reported to me that our non-profit status was approved. I was so thankful we could finally fully operate with the same legal benefits as other non-profit organizations. Never in my life have I experienced the kind of personal attention from an elected official as I did from Ted Cruz’s staff. They treated me as though they actually worked for me. Everything rises or falls on leadership and this servant leadership is the type of leadership I’m glad to tell you I received from my Senator, Ted Cruz.