Part 2 of 3:
11. REMEMBER TO BE AS PROMPT AS POSSIBLE IN RETURNING CALLS AND ANSWERING PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE Even though you may not be aware of it, some of these may involve urgent matters.
12. WE NEED TO REMEMBER THE IMPORTANCE OF PLANNING OUR WORK. An elementary school teacher, before leaving school on Friday, has lessons plans made for the coming week. Most ministers who neglect their families do so because they fail to plan their ministry work.
13. REMEMBER THE FIRST PART OF THE GREAT COMMISSION IS TO WIN PEOPLE TO JESUS. There is no “magic bullet” for doing this. Fish have not changed much in 2000 years. A fisherman may have the most updated boat and equipment on the lake. He may play CD fish music and even dress and smell like a fish. But, like it was during the days of Jesus, rarely ever will a fish jump into the boat. Pastor, we need to remember that the vast majority of the unsaved folk are never going to come to us, whatever we do or don’t do in our church services. We have got to go to them. Find as many ways as possible to “get more hooks in the water.” Use “trotline fishing.” By personal example, teach and show your people how to win souls.
14. PASTORS NEED TO REMEMBER THE IMPORTANCE OF LETTING PEOPLE SHARE IN MINISTRY. It is the rare person in your church who will say “No” if you will do four things. One “put it on a shelf he/she can reach.” Two, make your appeal to him/her personally, making what you are asking them to do sound important, Three, make clear what you are asking them to do and help them, if needed, learn how to do it. Four, let them do it.
15. WE NEED TO REMEMBER THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING OUT IN THE COMMUNITY.....senior citizens’ centers, the local DQ where the coffee drinkers assemble, the school events, the nursing homes, out knocking doors in the community nearest your church, etc. In just one afternoon, it is easy to have a quick, “Just dropped by to meet you,” kind of visit with dozens of folk. And, when you are out, it is important to remember “WHO YOU ARE”
16. PASTORS NEED TO REMEMBER THE IMPORTANCE OF CHANGE AND HOW TO LEAD PEOPLE TO MAKE CHANGES. Some aspects of ministry never change, but many things have to be continually changing if the church remains vibrant. Remember, don’t “change” just for the sake of “changing.” If a pastor can give a good answer to “Why the change?” and, then, start communicating this with, maybe, just one “key” leader, working patiently to get other ” folk “on board,” most things that need to be changed can be changed. We need to remember that a full meeting of the deacon body or the monthly business conference is not the best place to introduce your request for a change. A pastor can get himself into trouble if he tries to make too many changes too quickly. It is very important to remember that for the first three or four years you are at a church, you are the “preacher.” You start becoming the pastor when you gain the confidence of the people. This takes time. There is not a “verse” that says this, but it is still true....people follow “pastors,” not “preachers.” Changes that can get a pastor fired the first year will, likely be widely accepted in his 4th or 5th year at a church.
17. PASTORS NEED TO REMEMBER THE WAY VISITATION CAN BE DONE REQUIRES CHANGING. Being invited into the homes of people, who do not know you, is almost a thing of the past. Because of the suspicions and accusations that are so prevalent in today’s society, we have to be careful in how we make contact with people. We must not cease visiting; we just have to change some of the ways we do it.
18. PASTOR, REMEMBER THE IMPORTANCE OF LETTING YOUR WIFE KNOW THAT YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH YOUR CHURCH BUT THAT YOU ARE MORE IN LOVE WITH HER. Pastors might do well to read, often, Proverbs 5:18-20. And, the same is true with your children. If you are in love with your church people and when with your family, you speak positive about your church, it will help them to feel likewise. This will go a long ways toward them never feeling that you are choosing church above them. If you will plan your work well, you will be at home about as many evenings each week as are your active lay-people. There are occasions when your wife will be your best “visitation partner.” And, if you have children (including teens) still at home, on occasions let each of them be your “visitation partner.” They will never forget these kind of experiences. Your wife and children can be, and should be, your greatest encouragers.
19. PASTORS NEED TO REMEMBER TO HAVE A BIBLICAL ATTITUDE TOWARD THE OLDER AND YOUNGER MEN IN THE CHURCH, AS WELL AS THE OLDER AND YOUNDER WOMEN. Paul gave young Pastor Timothy some good advice about this in I Timothy 5:1-2. Remembering to do this will save the pastor a lot of trouble and will certainly gain him love and respect.
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