Job is most likely the oldest book in the Bible. It’s subject is one of the deepest questions of mankind. “Where is God in my suffering?” Job suffered as much as anyone ever has suffered, having seen all of his property taken away or destroyed and then “suddenly a great wind came from across the wilderness” which killed all of his children. Initially, Job responded with great faith, but there came a time in which he began to question God. God finally responds to Job with divine declaration in the form of questions, like, “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?” (Job 38:4) One could paraphrase the series of questions by saying God revealed to Job that man is small and has little understanding, but God is grand and His purposes can be trusted. Job did get there. And so can we. Job finally says, “I have uttered what I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.” (Job 42:3)
God has His purposes, and we do not know them. Job said, “I uttered...which I did not know”. There are so many things that happen in the world which are beyond my understanding. I hold hands and pray with the dying, of all ages. I cry with people who hurt. Funerals are a regular part of my life. I cannot answer every question, but this I know, God is beyond us and His ways are not our ways. This I also know, God’s ways are good, even when we do not understand them.
God has His purposes, and they are wonderful. Job said, “things too wonderful for me.” If we could ever just trust past ourselves. If we would realize that no suffering will be wasted in the lives of those who trust God. He is working all things together for good to those who love Him and are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). One day soon all of those who truly love God will see how wonderful His purposes actually have been, and we will be filled with wonder. Until then, may we trust God as sovereign Ruler over all that is, and may we do all we can to help one another.
Great blog Richmond!