Paul writes to Timothy in 1 Tim. 4:14-16 with words of challenging encouragement. He says, "Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership. Meditate on these things; give yourself entirely to them, that your progress may be evident to all. Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine. Continue in them, for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear you."
These words of holy scripture cause me to consider whether I am faithful in a ministry worth living. I don't just mean as a pastor, but as a follower of Christ, the question must be asked. Am I fully giving my life in service to God and others in the way that fulfills the high calling of the name "Christian"? Here are some introspective questions that I believe the Holy Spirit is challengingly encouraging me to ponder:
1. Am I fully utilizing that which God has imparted to me? The Bible says "do not neglect the gift that is in you". The concern is not just that I do not abuse or misuse the gift, but that I do not neglect the gift. Too many wasted moments and opportunities in my life confirm that I need God's help to empower me to fully utilize the gift entrusted to me.
2. Am I thoughtfully stirring up the giftedness God has imparted to me? Meditate, meditate, meditate. Most often as a teacher I am thinking about the scripture and life's events regarding how I can communicate God's truths to others. First, before all else, I must commune (with God) before I can rightly communicate (to others). So many times we don't find the "right" words because we have not first meditated upon THE right WORD.
3. Am I giving myself entirely to the expression of these gifts? Vs. 15 says, "give yourself entirely to them". Entirely? Really? Yes! In every aspect of my life, it is to be a ministry worth living. Pray without ceasing, make disciples as you are going. Every moment is a sacred opportunity to commune with Christ and help others do the same.
4. Is my progress in Christian growth and service evident to others? No need to be showy, actually there is no room for show-offs in the kingdom of God, only humble servants. However, my "progress should be evident to all." There was obvious evidence when I first began to follow Christ, but over the years it sometimes feels that my personal growth is not so evident. Dear Lord, please help me to continue in Your sanctifying grace, to be more like you each day, to abide in Your holy presence. Please let it be that others will see You magnified through me.
5. Is my salvation steadfastly persevering? "Continue in them". What a noble calling! Too many people think only of their beginning and fail to properly work toward finishing well. We must continue if we will endure to the end. We must fight the good fight and finish the race. Discouragement (especially with my own failures) threatens to sideline me, but continue I must, by the power of Christ in me!
6. Are others being saved because they are seeing and hearing God's grace alive in me? In a ministry worth living we find salvation. The saving of ourselves and others through the faithful work of Christ. The truth expressed in Christian doctrine and the grace imparted through God's gracious gifts provide safeguards to keep us in salvation. To depart from either one is to enter into the imponderable mystery of apostasy. However, you understand that word, let us at least agree that it must be avoided at all costs. The question is, does my life lead me and others to Christ?
God, help me to live a ministry worth living. To make each moment count for the good of others and for Your glory. May my light so shine that others will see my good works, and will also come to glorify my Father in heaven.
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