Friday, September 16, 2011

God Above all.

Jonathan Edwards said, "the degree of regard (for any thing) should be proportionate to the proportion of its existence and excellence".  Since God is the highest and greatest being in existence, He should be also the most cherished.  When God, who is supreme above all else, is compared with all that exists in creation, His existence is infinitely greater and His excellence is infinitely higher.  The vastness of the ocean is great, but its Creator is greater still.  The expanse of the heavens is grand, but its Creator is grander still.  The complexity of the earth is majestic, but its Creator is more majestic still.  When the weight of all that exists in creation is placed upon the scales of existence and excellence it does not even tip the scales over against the Creator.  As Edwards said, "because God outweighs the creation, He is to have the greater share of regard."  This is the condemning sin of the heathen, yesterday and today.  Romans 1:25 says, "they exchanged the truth for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator."  The great sin of humanity is that we have ascribed more honor and value to the creation than we have the Creator.  Since God is the Supreme Being, He is to be supremely valued above all else.  He should be highest in our hearts.

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