Bungoma, Kenya Area
July 18-31, 2013
TEAM MEMBERS: Richmond Goolsby, Landon Northcutt, Mel Malloy, Shirley Malloy-Lundy, Mary Caves, Robert Mendez (Harvey BC, Stephenville, TX); Robert and Donna Lane, Carolyn O’Neal (Lake Fork BC, Lake Fork, TX); James and Mary Lynn Donohoe (FBC Gunter, TX); Jimmie Carter (FBC Dallas, TX)
We worked primarily in the villages surrounding Bungoma in far western Kenya. The area is situated near Mt. Elgon and the border of Uganda. We worked mainly among two people groups, which are related to the Luhya people. Our mission was to provide efforts of evangelization, church starting, and pastoral training among the Luhya Bukusu and the Luhya Lutachoni. The Bukusu are listed as a “reached people group”, but further field research shows that what has reached the vast majority of the people is not Christianity. It is more of a mutated version of something similar to Christianity which teaches a works-based salvation and includes such odd initiatory rites as walking under a flag to pledge allegiance to the “Salvation Army” rather than biblical baptism. The Lutachoni are listed as an unreached people group. According to the national leadership this group is living interspersed among the Bukusu and we found them to be quite receptive to the gospel. In my estimation, it would be a mistake to consider the peoples of this area as “reached” with the gospel according to the statistical percentages provided in recent missiological data. Although there are many gatherings which are considered churches, a few further questions will reveal that most of these are more of an amalgamation of superstition and traditional African beliefs with an imaginary Jesus mixed in rather than orthodox Christianity. It also must be emphasized that the great need of the hour in our churches is to train up faithful leaders. The pastors are willing and greatly desire to please God, but they are largely uneducated and untrained. If there is not further discipleship for these pastors most of the churches will fail by closure or by falling into heretical teachings. This has been a continued problem in the east African region, but I truly believe it can be corrected with the proper diligence. The final results of the Lord’s blessing on this trip were 2,268 professions of faith among 6 new churches (all with new pastors ready to work) and 1 existing church strengthened.
JULY 21 - We gathered together with local believers in the two mother churches for worship. Agape BC and Bumangale BC were both made up of dedicated brothers and sisters in Christ and we had a wonderful time together worshipping Christ.
JULY 22 - Our first day on the field was a little slow but God blessed in many ways. We saw 202 people make professions of faith in Christ and the Chongoi Baptist Church had a strong core group of about 50 people commit to the new church that afternoon. Pastor Dennis Wanyama of Agape BC did an outstanding job of preparation before our arrival. He and Samson Kisia had every location well thought out with a meeting location secured, a new pastor in place, and 1 to 4 other leaders per new church start. The logistics of our evangelistic efforts operated very efficiently due to their prior planning.
JULY 23 - We began our witnessing efforts each day at about 9:30AM after breakfast, devotional and an approximate 30 minute drive. Day 2 on the field was productive for the beginning of the Toloso BC with a total number of professions of faith at 330. They also had a strong core group gathered with us at 3:00PM to commit to the new work.
JULY 24 - God provided a great day of witnessing and 361 people professed faith in Christ for the beginning of the Butonge BC.
JULY 25 - We worked in another village outside of Bungoma and the Lord drew 376 people to himself for the start of the Bukoli BC. One particularly exciting example was a man named Paul who had been released from a 1 1/2 year prison sentence on that Monday. He professed faith in Christ that Thursday and brought his family to be a part of the new church.
JULY 26 - There were 423 professions of faith among the people in this village and several Muslims were won to Christ. The new church is called Sichei BC.
JULY 27 - We worked in a small village known as Madisi. This was the home area of one of our favorite national leaders, Pius, who is an assistant pastor at Samson Kisia’s church in Ruiru. There were 409 professions of faith for the Madisi BC. We were a little concerned about the amount of people committed for the new work, but on Sunday morning the worship service had an attendance of 92!
JULY 28 - We split up into 7 groups and each of our men preached in the local churches that Sunday morning. Everyone except me, I was sick with a fever in the motel room. God was especially gracious to us all and each of the new churches had many people gathered to worship Jesus.
JULY 29 - Our group worked during the morning hours for the Bumangale BC. This is an established church and we provided assistance in local evangelistic efforts for half of the day before leaving for Eldoret to catch our flight back to Nairobi. There were 167 professions of faith.
JULY 30 - We spent the day in Nairobi, where I was able to visit with Samson Kisia and Elijah Wanji. Elijah is the pastor of Ridgeways BC and the current Moderator of the Kenya Baptist Convention. He is a brilliant pastor and a great leader. We discussed the needs of the Baptist churches in Kenya which are primarily needing assistance in the training up of leaders who can train others.
Samson Kisia, Pastor of FBC Ruiru (Nairobi suburb) spent 6 years as the Moderator of the Kenya Baptist Convention and has led multiplied mission trips over the years. He has been an extremely effective church planter throughout east Africa and has developed a network of national leaders which is more than impressive. Samson and I continue to strategize and seek God’s blessing as we work together to strengthen the work in east Africa.
Ways You Can Help:
- Pray for the new churches and their pastors
- Pray for continued faithfulness to the work that has been started
- Metal roof including trusses and labor $1,000 each
- Purchase Bibles $7 each
- Sponsor a Pastor for 1 year in Bible College $250
- Bicycle for a Pastor $150 each
- Purchase a goat for Pastor’s family $35
- Purchase a cow for Pastor’s family $350
- Continued funding for my return to teach in Bible College
Gifts can be sent to:
GateWay East Africa Ministries
1375 Cage St.
Stephenville, TX 76401
ATTN: Richmond Goolsby