“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes.” Romans 1:16
Our church is working throughout the community this week in an effort we call Victory in the ‘Ville. We are seeking to be ambassadors for Christ as we help others through service projects, visiting nursing homes, praying with people door to door, and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. We have been met with overall appreciation and kindness as we seek to serve our community with the love of Christ. Although it would be easier to sit in our holy huddles, we cannot hold back the truth that has set us free. We are unashamedly Christian for these reasons:
The gospel of Christ is good news. The bad news is that everyone has sinned against God and deserves divine judgment. The good news is that Christ died in our place to receive the judgment we deserved. Through turning away from sin and trusting in Christ, people receive reconciliation with God and eternal life. In the midst of a lost and hurting world, Jesus has come to set the captives free. This is what the Bible calls the gospel, and it is unashamedly great news.
The gospel is the power of God. God has benevolently chosen to act on our behalf by sending His Son to rescue us from ourselves. This message of grace and mercy has been the divine power which has saved us from our own personal rebellion and its subsequent pain. Christians now know joy unspeakable and hope immeasurable by the power of God through Christ crucified and risen from the dead.
The gospel saves everyone who believes. To believe is not mere intellectual agreement with these statements. To believe is to fully depend upon and completely trust in the saving grace of Christ. It is this saving faith in Jesus that had the power to change my life and has the power to change yours.
This gospel of Christ is worthy of faithfulness until our last breath expires, and it is worthy of unashamedly living for the glory of God.